SNL Fat-Shames Sarah Sanders Then Removes Her Pants, Her Heroic Response Made Everyone Love Her More

SNL Fat-Shames Sarah Sanders Then Removes Her Pants, Her Heroic Response Made Everyone Love Her More

SNL Fat-Shames Sarah Sanders Then Removes Her Pants, Her Heroic Response Made Everyone Love Her More

The writes from SNL have many reasons to dislike Sarah Huckabee Sanders. It goes beyond politics, it's simply less fun to make fun of Sanders compared to her predecessors.

But this didn't stop them from trying. In their first portrayal of the White House Press Secretary, SNL writers tried a bit of bit of fat-shaming, calling her mother a 'southern hamburger.'

Sarah Sanders father, Mike Huckabee, also didn't like this very and called the sketch 'a little bit silly, sexist, misogynist.'

In the following video, SNL decided to blast Press Secretary Sanders' confidence, by giving her no pants.
 In true SNL form, the sketch favored preachiness and had very little to do with comedy. All reporters in the scene we’re portrayed as the adults in the room while Press Secretary Sanders pranced around in a skimpy outfit singing Demi Lovato’s “Confident.” Interspersed between her choreography were ridiculous comments made to make Sarah Sanders look like a foolish oaf. It was a far cry from the image the Christian mother tends to portray.
But SNL got at least something right. Their version of the Sanders had a clear disdain for the questions posed by the press. So does the real Sanders.

Sarah Sanders didn't seems to care much about the shows's nasty portrayal. During the video's airing, Sarah was busy honoring our military in Japan with the President and her response looked like this.
That's our confident Press Secretary. You Go Sarah!

Comment your thoughts on SNL's video and SHARE this if you just love our confident Press Secretary! She truly believes in our President, as we all do.



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